Does your child dream of having a dog? Check which breeds would be most suitable

Does your child dream of having a dog? Check which breeds would be most suitable
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A dog is a man’s best friend – even the smallest one, which is only a few years old. Some breeds have special predispositions to have contact with children, but it should be remembered that the decisive factor is how the dog is brought up and how it is arranged. You also can not leave a small child with a dog unattended.

Children and dogs. What should you watch out for?

Children are busy and noisy, which can be confusing for dogs. A dog that interacts with them should be properly arranged so that it does not show aggression. It is also important not to allow children to hurt the animal or be aggressive towards it. It is important for parents to make sure that their child plays safely with the dog

A dog should not be a gift

The decision to adopt or buy a dog must be well thought out and belong to the parent, and not just be a whim of the child. Be aware that at first the relationship between the dog and the youngest members of the family may not be ideal. You may even need the help of a behaviorist.

What kind of dog in a family with children?

Among the breeds recommended for families with children, there are both very small and large dogs. After all, more important than size are the characteristics of the breed you want to trust

Photo: Alvan Nee/Unsplash

Small breeds for families with children

Choosing a small dog is often dictated by housing considerations, lack of time, or fear of the pet hurting a child in play. Breeds that are particularly strongly recommended that are calm and patient with children include:

  • Mops – not too busy, but prone to mischief mops, are very calm animals and therefore will be well suited to a home with children; in addition, they like to play together;
  • Yorkshire Terrier – just this small breed can be an excellent companion for slightly larger children who love to spend time outside. They show over time a great attachment to the family and let themselves be carried in the arms willingly. At the same time, children need to learn how to comprehensively care for such a pet – including its long coat;
  • Maltese – dogs with a cheerful and gentle disposition that weigh up to 4 kilograms; they have a pedigree dating back to ancient Greece and a long history of companionship with man.

Medium breeds for families with children

A larger selection of breeds good for home with children is among slightly larger dogs. We are talking primarily about:

  • Golden Retriever – a dog that loves children, but must also have a sufficiently large portion of exercise and play. Hence, it is a good companion for slightly older children who have a lot of energy. Retrievers are incredibly cheerful and friendly, reluctant to be left alone. Of course, they love to fetch;
  • Boxer – although they are defensive dogs, they are also extremely gentle with their own family and devoted to children. Their balanced nature makes them very cautious and patient, and therefore useful as dogs for families with small children. Even older dogs of this breed enjoy playing with the little ones;
  • Beagles – short-legged and spry dogs are also suitable as dogs for homes with young children. They are smart, engaged and very sociable dogs.

Large breeds for families with children

When we have small children, the family dog can also successfully become a representative of one of the larger breeds. Especially recommended are:

  • German Shepherd – despite its size and qualification as a utility dog, it can also become an excellent family dog. His faithfulness, devotion and high intelligence are especially appreciated. Well-trained dog will be an excellent companion for small children. However, they need attention and a lot of exercise.
  • Collie Sheepdog – this beautiful dog is considered to be the perfect family pet. Great looks, intelligence and very high learning ability are the basic characteristics of this breed. They are also characterized by sensitivity to the moods of their caregivers

Photo Muscat_Coach/Pexels

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