Colic in a baby – the best ways

Colic in a baby – the best ways
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The beginning of parenthood is a wonderful, albeit exhausting, time for both mom and dad. It brings many touching moments, but also often natural problems appearing while the young organism adjusts to the surrounding world

At first incomprehensible, they may cause anxiety to young, inexperienced parents. Often the reason is simply the classic baby colic, which lasts for several first weeks of a child. Once you figure out why your little one is crying, learn how to prevent this classic infant pain.

Identify if it is definitely colic

Remember: although you feel a deep bond with your little one as a mother and will certainly want to identify his or her behaviors and problems on your own, it’s a good idea if you have any concerns to go to a trusted family doctor and share your anxiety. Let the doctor examine your baby, as it’s easy to mistake colic symptoms for allergies, digestive problems, or simple anxiety caused by a change in environment or strangers. In general, it is worth following the rule of three. If your little one gains weight properly, and during at least 3 weeks cries without reason 3 times a week for about 3 hours (especially in the evening), and then stops, and during this time there are no medical conditions or increased temperature, you have nothing to worry about. This is classic infantile colic and is not dangerous to your baby’s health. It is also accompanied by abdominal bloating and characteristic pressing of the knees against the abdomen, as well as redness on the face. Greenish stool and the typical infant diaper rash are also common.

Take advantage of natural closeness

The bonding that takes place between mother and baby at birth creates a unique connection between the two of you that will help you choose the right soothing forms of intimacy. First of all, use the very warmth of your skin. Hold your naked baby close to you, or alternatively carry him at your breast in a special sling. Try to be calm and relaxed yourself. Close contact with the person closest to you will help the baby to calm down. Remember that the psycho-physical state of a child depends on the emotions of its mother for many years. Children often transform her emotions into real, physical illnesses, they are her external reflection, therefore it is so important to care not only for the baby, but also for the well-being of the mother. It is good if the baby’s father takes care of the space for her. When the mother is happy, the baby will be able to feel her care and love, these are very healing feelings that will make the toddler return to balance quickly

Photo Credit: Kristina Paukshtite/Pexels

Other methods for gentle soothing

When it’s cold, or for some other reason you can’t transfer your body heat directly, use a large, thin blanket and wrap your toddler in it. This will help him feel safe, associating his position and conditions with those of your womb. When wrapping the blanket, make sure to immobilize his/her arms and legs as well. If you have any difficulties, ask a nurse or a doctor. Cuddle your baby and put him or her close to you, testing different positions, rocking him or her gently, as this will have a soothing effect on the baby (sometimes movement alone is enough to calm the baby down, which all elements of baby equipment such as rocking chairs, cradles or vibrating recliners are well suited for). It is not uncommon to find that placing the baby on your thighs, face down, also helps. At the same time, a gentle back massage will make it easier for him to let out excess gas. Sometimes an infant simply needs to know that the mom is near, putting a finger to the mouth or simply a pacifier will work well here. The baby should suck on it and calm down after a while. To create conditions in the uterus, it is a good idea to become familiar with the beneficial phenomenon of ASMR. It is a phenomenon of a pleasant tingling sensation in the head area and the rest of the body, lowers stress levels, relaxes and has beneficial effects on health. It is induced by acting on the different senses. Used well it will not only work on the baby but also on the mother. In addition to the tactile methods mentioned above, it is worth noting the soothing effect of certain sounds such as heartbeat, softly spoken sentences, softly sung song, whisper, murmur, rustle, white noise and others. You might also like to recreate the calming sounds that accompanied your baby in the womb.

When just being there doesn’t help

Use appropriate feeding and sleeping positions to ease the pain. Keep your baby in a more upright, vertical position so he swallows less air. Also, try using a warm, damp towel and placing it on your baby’s belly, like a heating pad. Combine this with alternating tummy massages with your warm hands and you can expect to see a significant improvement in your baby’s well-being. Use castor oil for this and massage in a circular, clockwise motion. Speak tenderly to your baby at all times so that he knows he is safe and that you are beside him.

If you are breastfeeding, the reason may simply be your own inadequate nutrition. Adjust your diet according to the principle that whatever is causing you to develop gas and allergies is probably a major contributor to your baby’s discomfort. Giving the infusion of fennel and chamomile to the toddler will also be a rescue in the most difficult moments. Fennel has antispasmodic properties and aids digestion, while chamomile relaxes and soothes. You can drink such an infusion yourself or give your baby a small amount on a pump or together with modified milk.

Photo Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels

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