How do I care for my beard?

How do I care for my beard?
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It is said that a beard is a man’s makeup and there is indeed something to that. Most guys with beards look good with facial hair, but growing a thick, impressive beard is no piece of cake. Men often complain about “holes” in their facial hair, sparse or thin hair, and slow growth. Find out how to keep your beard the envy of the ladies and the friends.

Growing a beard

During the beard-growing phase, there are several times when you may doubt the success of this mission. Unless you have been blessed with a naturally bushy and fast-growing beard that is a curse, you need to be patient if you want to maintain a smooth face. Some natural substances such as fenugreek seed lotion or castor oil can provide new hair growth and faster hair growth. By rubbing these products into your skin you can shorten the growing period of your beard by days or even weeks. The key here, however, is not the oil or decoction itself, but the combined skin massage. By massaging your face you will stimulate circulation to the area around the hair follicles, which will get to work harder and produce more hairs

Shaping up

To make your face look favorable with facial hair, you need to give it shape. At first, it is better not to try anything on your own. The help of a professional barber will be the best solution here. However, if you are already after an appointment and your beard is already shaped in a way that suits you, you can take care of maintaining that shape by trimming it with a trimmer. You can purchase beard trimming equipment at A gentle trim once every two weeks should keep you out of the barbershop for a long time and save you a lot of money, but you can’t do without regular visits to redefine the shape. While trimming the beard yourself is effective, it does lead to a gradual disappearance of the original beard shape. That’s why it’s a good idea to visit a barber shop every two to three months or so for a professional to make adjustments. Still, with your trimmer you’ll save a good amount of money.

Care and Styling

Just like the hair on your head, your beard needs proper care and styling to make it look healthy and well-groomed. If you want an impressive and tidy looking beard, invest in a beard shampoo that will cleanse the hair and the facial skin underneath from dirt, sebum and any styling products you apply. Such a product will unclog hair follicles, prevent inflammation, and prevent product build-up. Beard oil softens the beard and makes it more comfortable and easier to style. Wax or pomade, on the other hand, are products that help tame the hair and style it into a specific shape. Whether you want an extravagantly curly moustache or just a beard that doesn’t stick out in all directions, a pomade will do the job. When it comes to grooming your beard, brushing is also important. A brush smooths the beard, detangles the hair and gives it more shine. It should be made of bristle, preferably wild boar, but synthetic bristle works well too. As for the comb, its teeth must be fairly widely spaced so as not to pull the beard, and the best material of manufacture is bamboo wood

Main photo: Mídia/

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