How to get rid of coffee stains? Here are the best ways

How to get rid of coffee stains? Here are the best ways
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Many people can’t imagine a day without coffee, but coffee stains can make almost everyone uncomfortable! Removing such stains is not at all easy. How to get rid of them effectively? We suggest!

Reliable kitchen salt

We often don’t realize that products which we use every day in our kitchen can be used to remove stains without any detergents. Just sprinkle the stained area with plenty of kitchen salt, rub it gently and leave it to absorb better. Finally, pour cold water over it and wash it.

Vinegar in the fight against stains

In case of big stains, it is worth to use vinegar. Add a teaspoon of vinegar to a liter of cold water. Apply this solution on the stain and after a few minutes, dry it using a towel.


For more delicate stains, you can use the properties of soap. However, it is important to do it as soon as possible so that the coffee is not absorbed yet. Pour warm water over the fabric and then gently rub the soap into the stained area. Leave the fabric soaked in water for some time and then wash it.

Baking soda

Instead of kitchen salt you can also use baking soda. Put a teaspoon of baking soda on the stain and gently rub it into the fabric until the dirt is removed.

Better Homes and Gardens – How to Remove Coffee Stains

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