How to transport things efficiently during a move?

How to transport things efficiently during a move?
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Are you getting ready to move? Are you standing in the middle of the living room and all you feel like doing at that moment is grabbing your head? No wonder. Your living room is probably drowning in boxes, your kids’ toys are still disorganized, and what about all that kitchen equipment? The trunk of your car has a certain capacity, and driving back and forth is both a waste of money on fuel and time, when you probably have to take time off to pack up all your belongings anyway. Here are some effective ways to quickly and efficiently deal with the moving nightmare – after all, you should have only positive associations with your new place!

Attention, glass!

Let’s start with the kitchen. The biggest problem you may face while transporting your things from your kitchen to your new apartment or house is their fragility. Plates, glasses, cups – all these things can easily break in transit. The same goes for other kitchen equipment such as blenders, toasters, blenders, etc. They may not be easily breakable, but because of their mechanisms, it is important that they are moved in a way that ensures they are not damaged. A potential malfunction would likely mean problems with the operation of your kitchen appliances. After all, you remember the boxes you buy them in, right? Styrofoam, bubble wrap and other fillers are your best friends when it comes to packing up your kitchen.

Millions of little things

Wondering where all that stuff came from and did you really buy it? You’re not the only person who asks themselves similar questions during a move. Suddenly, you find that everything that had its place – from candles in the living room to cosmetics in the bathroom – suddenly takes it up… tremendously. In order to move it all in small boxes, you’d probably have to spend hours driving between your old and new place. This can be especially inconvenient if you’re not moving within the same locality, but further afield. What to do then? It’s a good idea to pack all the things that don’t weigh too much, but definitely take up space, into one larger box. However, instead of loading them into the trunk of your car, order a courier. This is the most convenient way to transport a larger package – depending on which service you choose, courier companies offer transport of up to seventy kilograms!

Photo: Karolina Grabowska/Pexels

Heavyweight movers

Most people consider the biggest moving dilemma to be how to cope with moving household appliances and audiovisual equipment. First of all, they are heavy and take up a lot of space. Another important issue is – just like in the case of small household appliances – that damage to them can often render them completely useless. So, when it comes to transporting these appliances, it is advisable to opt for a van rental. On the Internet, you can easily find offers of many transport companies that offer aura rentals with or without a driver. However, instead of choosing the first one, you should think about what you really need. Check if the car you want to rent is in good technical condition, what insurance package the company offers and the capacity and dimensions of the car. If you need to rent a car to transport few pieces of furniture or home appliances, opt for a van or a delivery van. Another option is a container car, sometimes also with an elevator. The largest, and therefore the most capacious car for transport is a furniture truck, which is also suitable for long distances

Keep your head up

Moving really does not have to be a nightmare if you think things through first. Measure the dimensions of your furniture, stove or washing machine, choose the right van (some rental companies even offer a test drive!), start sorting through your belongings before you take everything out of the closet. And most importantly, remember that it won’t be long before you’re sitting in peace in your new dream home.

Once you’ve unpacked everything back, of course.

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto/Pexels

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