What should you do if your child is having trouble learning?

What should you do if your child is having trouble learning?
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Learning difficulties, inability to concentrate, lack of motivation – such problems are often faced by children, and their parents do not know what to do. How to react and make the right decisions to help a child with learning difficulties? In this article we have gathered some helpful tips on this issue.

What is a learning difficulty?

A learning difficulty is a condition that is usually temporary, but requires tailored intervention. You can counteract this type of problem by helping your child understand an issue that is difficult for them. When such a problem is resolved, the child is sure to learn a lot, which can prevent further difficulties in the future.

Learning difficulties can be related to what the child is going through. He or she may be stressed about moving house, bereavement, separation of parents or their financial problems. When the necessary steps are taken to reduce or eliminate the stress caused by the disruptive factor, the child usually returns to a normal learning rhythm. Where do learning difficulties come from? First of all, every parent should understand that such difficulties can have various causes.

A child may have learning difficulties due to conflict with other children or with the teacher. Such problems can also cause psycho-affective disorders such as anxiety or low self-esteem. Neurodevelopmental disorders, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or dyslexia, are also causes of learning problems.

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Stay on top of your child’s life

Being sensitive to your child’s needs and listening to them are extremely important in combating learning disabilities. When your child is suppressing their feelings or struggling with stress, their grades can deteriorate. It is important that the child does not feel that he or she is a burden to the parent, otherwise the youngster may tend to withdraw.

Find the source of the difficulty

It’s a good idea to talk to your child about his or her difficulties so that you can fully understand their source.

Learning difficulties can be directly related to not understanding a particular lesson topic, but there are also several other factors that can hinder learning: visual problems, concentration difficulties, conflicts with classmates, motor difficulties, dyslexia, dyspraxia. A poor exam grade may also be due to a lack of study skills. Talking to your teacher can also help you find the source of your difficulty, so you can better understand the root of the problem.

Keep a positive attitude and talk to your child

It is impossible to be good at everything. Every parent should understand this, keep a positive attitude and help their child see their strengths so they can be confident. Math can be a difficult subject for your child, but even if he/she doesn’t have very good grades in the subject, solving tasks will definitely help him/her grow

Highlight achievements

By always having a positive attitude, you show your child that you are confident in their abilities and that challenges are just a part of life and can be overcome. Try to praise your child for his past achievements and emphasize their importance. Motivate your child to keep trying. You can also encourage them to work by setting an enticing reward. If you also faced difficulties during your school years, you can share your experience with your child. Tell what you did to overcome the difficulties, which subjects were the most difficult for you. By sharing your experiences with your child and talking to him/her, you can reduce his/her anxiety. This will also help your child understand that you don’t expect them to be perfect.

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