How to feed your cat properly? We give you a hint!

How to feed your cat properly? We give you a hint!
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If you have a cat, you certainly care about toys and scratching posts. For him to live a healthy life, it is also very important to feed him properly. You can provide it with special food. Find out how to feed your cat properly.

Small portions, but often

A cat can eat from 3 to even 21 times a day! This is because in the wild, cats hunted and ate small mice or birds. Hunting was an important part of their day. When they were domesticated, their biology did not change much. Remember that a cat is a predator, so it has a very short digestive tract. He will prefer smaller portions, but eaten more often. If you are away from home for a long time, leave your cat a bowl of water and dry food. He will be able to chew it between naps and playtime. Your cat eats more often in the evening or at night, as he prefers to take a series of naps during the day. This is not a cause for concern. Cats are generally more active in the evenings, and that’s when it’s a good idea to play with them a bit and prepare a larger portion of food.

Avoid grains in cat food

Many cheap cat foods unfortunately have a lot of cereal grains in them. These are cheap cloggers that are not suitable for purrs. They can cause bloating, and too much fiber in the diet can even lead to diarrhea or more frequent vomiting in cats. Check the amount of meat in the food and the ratio of protein to carbohydrates. The best foods have 80 to 99% meat.

Photo: Pixabay

Don’t forget taurine!

Free-roaming cats very often eat mice. It turns out that the mouse carcass has a lot of taurine, which is essential for the proper functioning of the cat’s body. If our cat often goes outside, it is possible that it also hunts small rodents. It’s hard to find this kind of food at home. However, you can easily replace mice with beef or offal, such as chicken hearts. Additionally, beef and offal are high in protein and important vitamins and lower in fat.

Adjust calories according to your cat’s age

All pets, including cats, should have the right amount of food for their age. You should choose food based on your cat’s age or weight and daily activity. Kittens between the ages of 4 and 5 months are growing rapidly, so their diet should contain a little more fat. You can choose a special kitten food that is much more finely ground.

Older cats, on the other hand, may have some digestive problems, so it is very important to choose foods with fewer carbohydrates.

Meals for cats that are not very active should be less caloric. Some purrs are more lethargic and have less energy. It’s a good idea to make sure that such cats eat foods that are compatible with their physical activity. Otherwise, there is a risk that they will gain weight. Also, food for less active senior cats should be less caloric. Some senior cats may sleep more and move less. You should also choose foods that are full of micronutrients and well digested.

Pregnant and lactating cats should eat more carbohydrates. If a female cat in your cattery is expecting young, make sure to feed a food that is specifically tailored to her needs.

A good vet can help you choose the right calorie content after examining your cat and checking its weight. This will make it easier to choose the perfect food for your kitten.

Can a cat eat raw meat?

Here opinions are somewhat divided, but some people highly recommend this style of feeding. BARF, or Biologically Appropriate Raw Food, is based on the observation of feeding wild animals. It has been noted that indoor or outdoor cats that eat inspected and fresh raw meat once in a while have significantly more energy, and a noticeably nicer and denser coat. However, veterinarians have many concerns about this way of feeding cats. Unfortunately, the meat may contain salmonella, which is very dangerous for purrs.

If you are sure about the origin of the meat, you can give your cat some poultry liver or beef from time to time. This way of feeding will have a positive effect on your cat’s energy levels, digestive health and teeth.

Photo Paul Hanaoka/Unsplash

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