How to make slime? We suggest!

How to make slime? We suggest!
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Slime is a sticky and stretchy sensory stimulation toy that has conquered the world

However, it is extremely easy to make yourself with basic ingredients that many people have at home. How to make slime? We suggest

Why is slime so popular?

Slime is a popular toy that soothes and delights with its texture and colors. Accounts on Instagram, such as @slime and @slimeobsidian, show off every possible combination of colors and textures. If you try it out even once, the fun will probably draw you in for a long time

Touching, stretching and kneading the slime is truly delightful. Many people feel a sense of calmness throughout the experience. This is because playing with slime is a sensory activity: it takes place in the real world and takes you away from the computer screen, allowing you to focus on tactile, visual, and auditory experiences (which can be part of mindfulness practice).

Making homemade slime is an easy and fun experiment that kids are sure to love. Once you’ve mastered the basic production technique, you can easily modify the basic recipe and create amazing compositions with different textures and colors.

Creating your own slime will surely be an incredible attraction for kids. You can use this fun activity during a birthday party

Then you can divide the slime into gift bags and assemble ready DIY kits. Slime can be given solid pastel colors, glitter can be added or shades can be mixed to get a look that suits little unicorns and multicolored rainbows lovers. Green slime, on the other hand, can be pretend alien slime that will appeal to boys. Slime is an ideal sensory toy and is safe for little hands. However, keep in mind that the mass is not edible, so it is recommended to keep an eye on children while they play.

Slime recipe

The flexible slime ball has a consistency similar to putty. It does not get dirty hands, which makes it a good toy for small children

Recipe for 1 small slime ball (takes 10 minutes to prepare)


  • 100 ml white PVA glue (craft glue for children or CE marked glue),
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda,
  • gel food colouring,
  • 1 teaspoon contact lens cleaner,
  • glitter (optional).


  1. Squeeze the glue into a bowl. Add the baking soda and mix well.
  2. Add one or two drops of gel food coloring of your choice. A smaller amount will give a pastel color; the more food coloring you add, the stronger the hue. Stir until the ingredients are well combined.
  3. Add the solution to the contact lenses and mix. The slime will start to form slowly and may have lumps before it turns into a ball.
  4. Take the slime out, knead it with your hands. The mixture will be sticky at first, but after about 30 seconds it should turn into a smooth and elastic ball. Add glitter if needed and continue kneading. Store your homemade slime in a pot with a lid.

The consistency of the slime may vary depending on the glue, contact lens solution and/or food coloring used. Here are some tips for making slime:

  • if your slime is crumbly, add less than 1 teaspoon of contact lens solution, mix it together with the mixture drop by drop. Then knead the whole thing well;
  • if you want your slime to be fluffier, try adding a little shaving foam to it;
  • if you want more slime, double or triple the ingredients in the recipe above;
  • if your slime is too sticky, even after kneading, try adding one more drop of contact lens solution.

Photo by epixproductions/Adobe Stock

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