These coffee properties are worth knowing

These coffee properties are worth knowing
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There are many myths about coffee, which present it in a very unfavorable light. They say that it cools the body, impairs the absorption of calcium, which contributes to bone brittleness, that it leaches magnesium from the body and can lead to heart attacks. The demonization of coffee has been going on for many years, so these myths are very much alive in the public consciousness, but in 2012 coffee was added to the list of health promoting products by the World Health Organization. So how is it with this coffee? Here are some properties of coffee that you should know about.

Coffee is an antioxidant

Coffee, or roasted coffee beans, is a very powerful antioxidant. The less roasted, or processed, the beans are, the stronger the antioxidant effect. Antioxidants are extremely important in the diet because they reduce the mutation and growth of cancer cells, thus lowering the risk of cancer. They also have a healthy and anti-aging effect on the skin as they delay the aging process in the body. So drinking coffee is a natural way to not only wake up in the morning, but also to prevent cancer and aging of the body, including the skin. MK Cafe limited edition bean coffees, are available in different degrees of roasting, so you can choose the one that is healthiest and contains the most antioxidants

Coffee protects the cardiovascular system

Thanks to its wealth of antioxidants and iron, coffee has very similar properties to cocoa, which after all is said to be very healthy. Both cocoa beans and coffee beans have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system, providing iron to the blood, regulating (not at all dramatically increasing) blood pressure, and stimulating regular heart function. For those with coronary heart disease, struggling with cardiovascular disease, a cup of coffee or two a day can work very positively for the body. Of course, before you start drinking coffee, consult your doctor, because each person and each disease is different, unique and may have a different course. You can buy great quality coffee at

Photo: chayathon2000/Adobe Stock

Nutritional value in coffee

Coffee by itself, black and bitter, has almost no calories, you can drink it with impunity. Of course, any additives such as milk, cream or sugar increase the calorie content. It contains a wide range of B vitamins responsible for the appearance of the skin, well-being, immunity and the functioning of organs cleansing the body of toxins, namely the kidneys and liver. Contrary to myths that have been repeated over and over again for years, coffee also contains magnesium and provides it to the body, so you don’t have to worry about magnesium deficiency if you’re a coffee drinker. The World Health Organization says that the average healthy person not only can, but should, drink at least four cups of coffee a day. MK Cafe’s single origin coffees from different parts of the world additionally contain different nutritional values and minerals, depending on where they were grown

Drinking coffee with high blood pressure

Many people with hypertension are afraid to drink coffee because it raises their blood pressure. Yes, it does, but very gently and slowly. Unlike energy drinks, which give you a sudden burst of energy and raise your blood pressure dramatically, coffee regulates rather than raises your blood pressure. In the morning, when your blood pressure is low and you find it hard to wake up, coffee, thanks to its caffeine content, raises your blood pressure to the ceiling you need for healthy daily functioning. It’s just important not to overuse coffee if you have high blood pressure, two or three small coffees a day are more than enough.

Main photo: Photo Tiero/Adobe Stock

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