When to start thinking about holiday gifts?

When to start thinking about holiday gifts?
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Christmas is a special time that is spent with loved ones. For many of us it is also the only opportunity during the whole year to meet the family and enjoy their company. It is also a great excuse to give your loved ones Christmas gifts. The question is – when should you start looking for gifts? Is it worth to think about it already in November? Or maybe it is better to wait with buying them until the very end?

When to buy Christmas gifts?

Gumtree’s 2019 research shows that more than half of Poles go Christmas shopping well in advance. However, as it turns out, as many as 53% of us usually do it 2 weeks before Christmas. Only 35% do it much earlier – in November or even October. Which of them are right? Neither of them are wrong – but the truth is that the earlier we find gifts for our loved ones, the more peace of mind we will enjoy just before Christmas. It is also worth mentioning that it may be too late to buy some gifts before Christmas… A perfect example of this is the advent calendar with Christmas goodies, which should be given to loved ones before December comes. However, as it turns out, buying gifts in November brings many more benefits. What are they?

November is the month of holiday shopping

Pre-Christmas shopping madness starts at the end of All Saints’ Day, when candles and Halloween decorations disappear from the stores. Just go to the store during this period and you will see the first Christmas decorations. But is it worth to buy gifts so early? Of course it is! Contrary to appearances it has many advantages. First of all it will allow us to avoid the pre-Christmas rush and panic, with which crowds of people will be rushing around the shopping malls just before Christmas. But it does not end here. November is a month of very attractive promotions, during which you can hunt for discounts up to 80%! All thanks to such actions as: Black Friday (26th November 2021) and Cyber Monday (29th November 2021), which start even in the middle of the month. This is a great opportunity to find the gifts of your dreams – and at attractive prices, too. But that’s not the end of the advantages of Christmas shopping in November…

Not only for discounts

Buying Christmas gifts in November, despite appearances, provides great psychological comfort. You don’ t have to buy under time pressure – so you can consider all your options in peace. Moreover, you don’t have to worry that your dream gift for a loved one will unexpectedly disappear from the sale, which often happens just before Christmas. An additional argument in favor is also the delivery time, which is extremely important especially in case of gifts ordered online. December is a very hectic period for courier companies, which unfortunately results in delays in deliveries. In addition, many packages may simply get lost on the way to the recipient. So is it worth risking that on Christmas Eve dinner you will show up without gifts? Or maybe you should instead think about ordering them before half of Poland starts the shopping frenzy? This way you will also save yourself some stress and devote the last days before Christmas Eve to Christmas preparations and your family.

December shopping madness

The first weeks of December are truly crazy. There are crowds of people in the stores, who carry out the entire shelves of goods. Not to mention the Christmas advertisements, which can make your head spin. So if you want to avoid fighting for the last item for a gift or being disappointed because of its lack – think about going shopping earlier. We’re talking about November, of course, and not the early morning hours. The crowds of people looking for Christmas gifts can line up outside stores even hours before they open. All this to give something special to your loved ones. So it is worth to give up this rush and go shopping already in November.

Photo: Client’s press materials.

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