Yoga for parents – a beginner’s guide

Yoga for parents – a beginner’s guide
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Being a parent can be a real challenge. This new situation often comes with stress and many problems. A great way to become a better, relaxed and rested parent is through yoga. Are you ready to start an inspiring journey full of exercises that can change your whole life? If so, be sure to check out our yoga guide for beginners

What is yoga?

Many people who want to start practicing yoga first want to know exactly what it is. Therefore, here is a brief explanation for beginners. The word yoga comes from Sanskrit and literally means “to connect”. It is therefore the joining of body and mind through practice. Yoga itself is about 5000 years old. The most well-known form of yoga is hatha-yoga, in which a series of postures are performed to allow energy to flow better through the body. “Ha” means “sun” and “tha” means “moon.” Hatha-yoga is seen as a powerful way to positively change your life. It teaches you to control your breathing and allows you to take control of your constantly wandering thoughts.

Yoga for beginners – tips

Yoga has many aspects and needs some explanation. Chances are that when you talk about yoga, you think of its physical side with asanas (postures). If you are interested in starting with asanas, it is extremely important to start in a good way. The initial phase is extremely important and for most people determines whether they will give yoga a real chance.

Tip 1: Be open-minded

When you start learning yoga, sometimes you will encounter things that you are not used to. For example, many people find it awkward when they sing Ohm for the first time in a group. Don’t try to judge your voice or be afraid of it; open yourself up to what yoga has to offer!

Tip 2: Focus on your own practice

Especially in the beginning, when you are very insecure about your practice, it is easy to fall into the tendency to copy other yogis. There is nothing wrong with this, but as with tip 1, try not to judge yourself. So don’t compare your practice to exercises done by someone else, instead focus on what yoga does to you.

Tip 3: Concentrate on your breath

Especially in difficult poses, try to direct your attention to your breath. If you don’t learn to control your breath well, you won’t be able to focus on the deeper aspects of the workout than just the physical ones. By matching your movement to your breath, you will get much more out of your practice and asanas

Tip 4: Drink water, but in moderation

Drink water during your workouts, but do so in moderation. When you practice, the idea is to “light a fire” inside you, and water “puts out” that fire. So just take a small sip every now and then.

Tip 5: Practice with intention

Set an intention for your practice by asking yourself why you are practicing and what your goal is.

Why are you getting on the mat? What exactly are your reasons? If you set an intention, you will end up finding more motivation to practice, which in turn will give you the strength to continue practicing.

Tip 6: Practice regularly

Practice regularly. By practicing regularly, your body becomes accustomed to the asanas. As a result, it will become easier and easier for you to go deeper into yourself during your workouts, making it easier for you to overcome physical challenges.

Tip 7: Accept the fact that yoga is hard work

Yoga is not just about relaxation. Practicing yoga often requires pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone. Accept this and look for challenges during your workouts. By doing so, you will begin to really grow.

Tip 8: Try to

When practicing yoga, why you do something is more important than how exactly you do it. Therefore, be critical of yourself and ask yourself why you are doing something. Focus on the intention behind your practice.

Tip 9: Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Enlisting the help of experienced trainers is almost always necessary to match the difficulty level of exercises to your current limitations. Therefore, don’t be afraid to ask for help and take advantage of various courses, tips, and instructional videos. As a result, you’ll not only get more out of your workouts, but you’ll also greatly reduce your risk of injury!

Tip 10: Always end with meditation

Meditation is the icing on the cake. Think of it as the goal of your workout or a reward. Even if you meditate for a while, never skip this most important part of your practice! One thing is for sure, if you decide to start learning yoga, it will bring you many benefits and moments full of beauty

Why should you start with yoga?

There are many benefits of yoga that you may have heard about and these are what encouraged you to learn. We have listed some of them below:

  • Relaxation,
  • Building muscle strength,
  • More self-confidence,
  • Improved concentration,
  • Increased flexibility,
  • Clearing the mind.

When you’re just starting out with yoga, you may not notice it right away, but the more you practice, the more you’ll realize the benefits.

Photo Yan/Pexels

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